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Jeff Malka's

Crypto Jews
(Links for other sections of this website at bottom of page)

Genealogy oriented

Bloom SouthWest Jewish Archives on Crypto Jews
Crypto Jews of the South West
Sephardic Ancestry -- Genie Milgrom's genealogy website
Crypto Jews - Benveniste homepage
Saudade: Portuguese Sephardim and Crypto Jews (now off the air)
Names of Inquisition victims in Mexico.
Tribunal do Santo Ofício in "Torre Do Tombo" Portugal.
Names from Inquisition Archives in "Torre Do Tombo" Portugal.
Sephardic name list - Searchable.
The Villareal family
The Conrique (Cohen-Henriquez del Pulgar) family. Search for Conriques
Centre Gelinas sur L'Internet.
The Sephardic Jewish Origins of the Gélinas Family of New France
Yo Sefardí.   Descendents of Ruy Capon, Los Pachecos, Marqueses de Villena y de Cerralbo.

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(See here for latest available databases )

General Sites

Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
Collection of Articles about the Inquisition
Kulano ('all of us')
Mistaken Identity? The Case of New Mexico's "Hidden Jews"
The Secret Society: Descendants of Crypto-Jews in the San Antonio Area
Avot Sefarad, Centro Cultural Sefardita
La Gaceta B'nei Anusim
Crypto-Jewish/Anusim Links by poetess M. Miriam Herrera
Sticks and Stones I do not adore by Eduardo Mayone Dias
Secrets from a Forgotten Past by Rufina Mausenbaum
The Anussim of Portugal by Rabbi Leo Abrami
Reconverting the Portuguese Crypto-Jews by Eduardo Mayone Dias
Bet Yahdut Sefarad
Portal to a Portuguese Past by Michael Freund
Sephardic Presence in North-Eastern Brazil
Crypto Jews & the Inquisition in New Spain by Frank Longoria
Los criptojudios y la inquisicion by Matilde Gini de Barnat�n (includes New World)
Crypto Jews & the Mexican Inquisition by Richard G. Santos
Manifestations of Crypto-Judaism in the American Southwest by Schulamith C. Halevy
Converso Descendants in the American Southwest: A Report on Research, Resources, and the Changing Search for Identity by Seth Ward, University of Colorado
Texas Mexican secret Spanish Jews today by Anne deSola Cardoza
The Sixteen Founders of Villa de Santiago del Saltillo
Crypto Jews of Brazil by Arthur Benveniste
Colombia: Grupos ethnicos, mestizos los judios
The Inquisition in the New World By Clara Steinberg-Spitz
How I Discovered my Jewish Background (archived page) by Horacio Calle Restrepo
The Anusim Center (archived page)
Crypto-Jews of Carção, Portugal
Columbus: Destination New World by Howard M. Sachar
New Mexico's Hidden Jews by Nan Rubin
Virtual Jewish History Tour Mexico. by Isaac Wolf

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For a more complete extensive bibliography

Malka, Jeffrey S.

Sephardic Genealogy:
Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World.

Avotaynu, 2002. Click here for Table of Contents and to order.
Indispensible. The ONLY comprehensive book for Sephardic Genealogy. -- History, research methods, archives, surnames, maps, bibliography, and more. (Includes Holland, St. Thomas, St. Croix and Nevis, Curacao, St Eustatia, St Maarten, Jamaica, Argentina, Brazil, etc.).

Liebman, Seymour B.

The Inquisitors and the Jews in the New World.
University of Miami Press.
Except for a brief introduction, the entire book is a listing of Inquisition Records in the New World. Good source for converso names in the New World.

Roth, Norman

Conversos, Inquisition and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.
University of Wisconsin Press 1995.
Much information about converso families and lists of converso names

Ortiz, Dominguez

Judeoconversos en la espana moderna
Editorial Mapfre, Paseo de Recoletos, 25 - 28004 Madrid 1992.

Oelman, Timothy

Marrano Poets. An anthology.
Littlman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1985.

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