Jewish genealogy is about sharing
Sharing success stories and deadends.
Sharing tips and techniques, sources and resources.
This page is dedicated to that spirit of
sharing in exchange for all the help I have received from all the
experts who so willingly and freely gave of their expertise. If there
are shortcomings or errors in the information presented here, they are
all due to my own learning curve.
Planning your research and keeping
careful records is essential in genealogy
There is nothing more
frustrating to repeat a search you have already done, maybe more than once,
because you do not have a record of having already searched this site or
source. It is therefore essential to plan your research with great care and
keep meticulous records.
There are no perfect
forms or techniques. I am including here forms that I have personally found
to be useful in this respect. These are forms that I use and which I have
either created or modified from some I found in various locations. If they
may be useful to you, you are welcome to print them off your
web-browser, modify and use them as you see fit. I would appreciate any
suggestions to correct or add to them